Laurie and I had Amy focus on the Funky Fantasy Flowers that we bought ~ it inspired Jill to go home and purchase the set for herself ~ why does that delight me so much?? Amy had some great ideas for interesting techniques and stitches for the flowers and I think we ended up with guides for all but three of the canvasses. Laurie and I have already knocked out one each, and we are anxious to see Jill's first floral fantasy flower! Pam worked on a Ewe and I house (most of the time) and took the final few stitches in her John Johansen Pig ~ it is amazing. Mary worked diligently on one of her Ewe and I house scenes. Laurie, Mary, and I all got to pick up our Tudor's canvas and first kit. That was fun also! As usual, we had a great time and look forward to the next time we can get away and stitch together!
As I mentioned, I finished the first of the flowers from the Funky Fantasy Flower series. I am waiting on the background as I want to coordinate the background on the series when I get to the end, I think. They will be different shades of green. Here is the website photo of the series. I will post a photo of the one that I completed tomorrow!
Funky Fantasy Flowers
Was so excited to get two more of my eggs back from Pam. I am happy with the way that they turned out! I really loved stitching "From Russia with Love"!
I have finished with the first kit of The Tudors series. It was the "Anne of Cleeves" section.
So, I think we all know what this means ~ yes the dreaded stocking must hit the System 4 yet again! Pam tried to kick start me this week by offering to add some of the nebulous boughs on the background. Hopefully, I can work up the effort to hit it hard! No promises!
Sleep well, gentle readers, may visions of canvasses dance through your heads!
Isn't Memphis with Amy and Jill the best? I am so glad y'all had a good time. It all goes by way too fast.